Inside it, men were building exactly the monstrous object Joe imagined.
His flash bulbs had dis- closed in the darkness a monstrous shining object, as big as a plate, serrated in many ridges.
Staring, Rigger saw a monstrous object as it swooped straight downward like a bird of prey.
Because of her artistry, these weren't grim, monstrous objects.
Suddenly there was a terrible noise as some monstrous object fell from the sky quite close to us.
And three or four times he saw monstrous objects moving about clumsily in the marsh-land.
Such a monstrous object could not be driven rapidly sunward by impacts - and explosions - of ton and five-ton and ten-ton missiles.
There is a nearer one," said Redlaw, detaining him, in the same blank effort to remember some association that ought, of right, to bear upon this monstrous object.
Then, sighting off into the darkness, he saw a monstrous object dead ahead, waiting like a massive, silent sentinel.
In its place, there stood before Kirk a monstrous object, dull green in colour but with a lustrous surface, whose exact nature he found impossible to identify.