The monster chased him and the eels lay ahead.
The other flying monster will chase the player akin to the second variety of Argous.
To them, it probably appeared that a monster from another dimension was chasing one of their fellow beings through the sky.
The time before breaking the route is reduced for each level until on later levels, the monsters chase Snapper almost immediately.
We'll come in the night, when you're all alone - catch you on a path and send monsters to chase you until your heart bursts!
Elaine tests the water for radioactivity, and the monsters chase her.
The monsters chasing him would be slow, and that was as well.
A huge monster chases him and he is very frightened.
Now at last he could tend to the oddly named Slander, the man all these monsters were chasing.
The monsters weren't chasing him, because they already had me for their meal and weren't very enterprising folk.