He hung at the end of the phone, weightless, making monosyllabic responses.
Whenever his interrogators ultimately succeeded in making themselves understood, he would deliver only monosyllabic responses.
He listened now to the monosyllabic responses for any voice that might belong to the agency contact.
So many miles were logged, some high school kid's monosyllabic responses dictating the mood of the long ride home.
He listened for about a minute, giving monosyllabic responses, and then said, "I don't know what to say.
If your queries are met with monosyllabic responses, back off for a while.
When Libby tried to make conversation, her only reward was a monosyllabic response.
The child refused to pass along the message when it stopped at him and gave monosyllabic responses, if any, to the leader's questions.
When Sally finally managed to get her mother on the phone, she received curt, monosyllabic responses.
The problem is that when we go around the table, I'm met more often than not with blank stares and monosyllabic responses.