Because we know from monopoly systems that they do not fulfill all wishes".
It was a monopoly system that promoted stability but also inefficiency.
The annual monopoly system was abandoned in 1597, and the royal monopoly resumed.
The remaining states adopted the monopoly system of regulation, the more cautious of the two regulatory frameworks.
In Ontario's public monopoly system, costs were averaged out between base load and peaking stations.
A monopoly system where the government decides how much money to print is, to him, a form of state-sponsored, legalized financial fraud.
It is ten times more difficult than regulating a national integrated monopoly system.
That means continuing to create a monopoly system dominated by the agribusiness multinationals.
The third energy package must gradually develop the energy market, which until very recently was based on a monopoly system.
In 1950, the city had ended black-owned buses, requiring all residents to use its monopoly system.