Agreed, the govement is the monopoly supplier of Sterling.
British Coal would lose its position as virtual monopoly supplier to power stations.
The Bundespost, the national phone company, has been the monopoly supplier of telephone and postal services.
An internal monopoly supplier may be sluggish and inefficient, but its incentives are at least party aligned with the rest of the organization.
Before there was competition on domestic markets, Ofgem set price controls fixing maximum price that the monopoly suppliers could charge domestic customers.
Gazprom, the natural gas operator, has benefited handsomely from its position as the monopoly supplier of Russian natural gas to Europe.
The Commission strongly suggests that this legislation will open up the insurance market which is currently a virtual monopoly supplier.
They are making it easier to engage in energy blackmail with those Member States that were historically linked to a monopoly supplier.
This should increase the probability that a review committee will be able to approve a lower budget for a given output than if the bureau were a monopoly supplier.
This would suit the monopoly suppliers of raw materials but would finish off those enterprises producing manufactured and consumer goods, especially for the domestic market.