The essays in this book do not present a monolithic view, and they reflect widely differing perspectives.
This book is in fact an excellent corrective to any monolithic view of the 1930's under Stalin.
The theory which has been abandoned most massively is the monolithic, pessimistic view on the culture industry of the Frankfurt School.
Anthropologists in Britain and America were themselves moving away from the monolithic view of caste.
"He's taking a step back from what was being reported at the time, which represented such a monolithic view of Britain."
"Joe assumes that there's a monolithic view at the fund and the bank, but that's not the case," he said.
There is not a monolithic view about Shearson.
The prudent professionals in the national security bureaucracy had less monolithic views; they were "often right, and too seldom heeded," according to Bundy.
That variety itself signals a change from the old monolithic view of New York as crime-ridden, dirty, irredeemable.
There is no monolithic view on genital cutting among the Somali refugees here in Houston.