The structures are part of the nine monolithic rock cut structures seen here.
The area is dominated by a large monolithic rock termed "The Mountain of San Paolino".
The ancient temple was cut out of a monolithic rock probably in the 9th century.
Our scouts had selected a place shielded by several monolithic rocks: standing stones.
The whole building seems to stand on top of a large monolithic rock with almost vertical edges and a relatively flat top.
It goes without saying that the fanatic is convinced that the cause he holds on to is monolithic and eternal-a rock of ages.
Its deity, Laxminarayana in the sanctum sanctorum made of monolithic rock, is an architectural and historical wonder.
A popular tourist destination, the monolithic rock is adjacent to the beach and accessible by foot at low tide.
Salamandastron's monolithic rock took on a somber purple aspect against the dusty fawn of the darkening shoreline.
Acrocorinthis, the acropolis of ancient Corinth, is a monolithic rock that was continuously occupied from archaic times to the early 19th century.