If a test match is failed, the monkey can try again after another five days.
The monkey tried to bite the technicians, and it struggled violently in an attempt to get away.
It wasn't obvious to me either what the monkey was trying to prove.
The monkey tried to whistle, produced a mouselike squeak.
When the monkey tries to cool his burns at the water bucket, the bee stings him.
In one episode other monkeys of Gleek's species appear and try to take over the world.
Quite likely some monkey once stood up and tried to walk on two legs, but many others protested, 'Our ancestors have always crawled.
Again and again, the monkey tried to bite, a sure sign of failure of strength in the arms.
"The monkeys tried to beach her," Vinck said sullenly.
The monkey tried to kill its owner, a crab, who eventually got his revenge.