Players donated 100 million gems, to help save the endangered monkey population.
Some years ago, the monkey population on a Japanese island was shown how to take food to the water's edge and wash it.
In 1944, with British morale battered by the war and the Rock's monkey population dwindling, he took no chances.
Little did Churchill envision how big the monkey population would grow, nor the shenanigans that would come along with it.
But does even this famous anti-Bear patriot understand the true threat bears pose to the monkey population of the world?
At first he suspected yellow fever, which swept through monkey populations in the 1950's.
Average body weights can vary significantly between monkey populations in different locations.
Attempts to control the monkey population, including relocation, sterilization, and outlawing feeding them, have been ineffective.
Even the company, which has consented to replace damaged trees and reduce the monkey population, agrees that the monkeys have made a mess of things.
"Right now, we have a monkey population that has exploded because there are no natural controls," he said.