The monkey climbed to the top of the chandelier and chattered with fright.
At their mercy, the monkeys chattered desperately and in vain in their little prisons.
Silverfurred monkeys chattered at the soldiers from the high branches.
From a tree beyond the manioc field a little monkey screamed and chattered.
A little monkey perched upon the roof of a hut screamed and chattered.
Fuzzy little black-velvet monkeys, with snow-white teeth and gleaming, mocking eyes, chattered at us as we passed.
Each time she gave a handsignal, the monkey chattered louder and spun in a circle.
"I speak the truth," chattered the little monkey.
The monkeys chattered at him, as usual, but no sound came from McGinty's cage.
The monkey took hold of the lobe of Barney's ear, put her mouth close and chattered in a whispery voice.