One former monk of Cleeve rose to prominence and came to a sticky end.
The monk threw off his sheepskins and rose slowly.
The monks rose higher and higher on the Aethyra.
The monks, who have made a commitment to live in poverty and in silence, rise several times during the night for prayer.
A monk in the third row had risen and was bowing toward the speaker.
Originally, monks would rise in the middle of the night to sing praises to God.
The weedy monk consulted several large tomes, then rose, cleared his throat and spoke in a rusty-sounding voice.
Rising to greet her was another monk, his cowl thrown back to reveal a startling countenance.
Afterwards the monks would retire for a few hours of sleep and then rise at 6am to wash and attend the office of Prime.
The monk, whom everyone had forgotten, rose to his feet and tottered forward to stand between his gigantic, silent bodyguards.