During the event, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra played "Ave Maria" and monks recited sūtras at a local temple.
The 20 monks who lived there recited the Sovereign Kings Golden Light Sutra on a fixed schedule to protect the country.
The monks recited, edited, and approved all of the Buddhist scriptures, known as the Three Pitakat.
Another unique aspect of this monastery is that both nuns and monks recite the Tibetan scriptures together in the main prayer hall.
Four monks recite the prayers for the dead.
The travelling monk thoughtfully recites Saigyō's poem to himself, and is overheard by a passing woman, who asks him to follow it with the harlot's reply.
On this day monks will recite verses uttered by the Buddha twenty-five centuries ago, to invoke peace and happiness for the government and the people.
Sozomen (in a passage, however, which is not considered very authentic) speaks of three psalms which the monks recited at None.
In 926, he increased the land attached to the Subiaco Abbey in exchange for the monks reciting 100 Kyrie eleisons for the salvation of his soul.
To this purpose, the Venerable Maharakkhita and five hundred monks recited the words of the Buddha and then wrote them down on palm leaves.