The 'outer parlour' was the room where the monks or nuns could receive a visitor and conduct business with outsiders.
The Committee also developed regulations to force monks to register and receive separate identification cards.
Twice a year there is a day-long community recreation, and the monk may receive an annual visit from immediate family members.
The monks, however, did not receive a definitive settlement of their case until 1269.
The monks and lay meditators regularly receive instructions from Ven.
Nowadays a monk must receive guests in public rooms rather than in his living quarter.
Last month, three monks from Kirti received long prison sentences for helping a fellow monk set himself on fire in March.
Through prayers the monks received an unique vision proving that their brother - was a true ascetic.
Once back, the increasingly knowledgeable monk received much attention for his teachings and skills in debate and philosophy.
Chapter 54 forbids the monks to receive letters or gifts without the abbot's leave.