The monks performed most of the labor themselves.
Finally, after all the devotees have left, the monks perform a fire rite to dispel all harm to the world.
During the festival, 1000 monks perform continuous chanting of scriptures for 72 hours.
At this time, the monks also performed some miracles, which further strengthened the belief of the Emperor in Buddhism.
When the monks later performed at San Quentin, he heard the prison's gospel choir and "was blown away."
Remembering the foul acts he had witnessed the plague monks perform made him want to vomit.
Blodwen offers a rose to Elen, and a monk performs the marriage ceremony.
By request from relatives, monks will perform prayer services for a fee.
Dukhang or the Assembly Hall is at the heart of the monastery complex, where monks perform worship and ceremonies.
Apart from prayer, monks performed a variety of tasks, such as preparing medicine, lettering, reading, and others.