The foundation, 45km from Digos, was established in 1988 for monks engaged in clerical studies at Davao's theological school.
To retain his patronage and ensure the widest circulation of the translated materials, the monks and priests engaged in the programme worked in his dialect.
In conjunction with Dr. Herbert Benson of the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Harvard University, a pilot study was conducted on the bodies of monks engaged in an advanced form of meditation yoga known as Tum-mo.
The monk, too engaged with this monster, and with Shayleigh still battling the first troll, thought her new companion doomed as the troll reached down at the blanketed woman.
I will not speak of those that, unfortunately, have been transformed into dens of gluttony; but even those that follow standards of penance and virtue provide the monks, almost always engaged in taxing intellectual labors, with a nourishment not effete but substantial.
The deadly punch was headed for Avelyn's throat, though the fat monk, already engaged with two others, never saw it coming.
An illustration in the French manuscript "The Romance of Alexander" (1344) depicts a group of monks and nuns engaged in a game, thought to be "la soule", that looks much like co-ed softball.