The monks claimed an exemption from oversight by the archbishops of York, and were supported by Robert as bishop.
"When you're a tyrant, you don't make friends," she said, sighing, "although the monks claim the little lamas get over being brats."
Whatever the jealous monks on their mountain-top might claim to the contrary, he was a god at last.
"A monk claimed he was "knocked to the ground, handcuffed and beaten.
Several monks claimed that she, specifically, haunted their cots of a night.
The monks of Saint-Taurin claimed that they owned a part of the saint's relics.
The greedy monks of Tavistock buried him and claimed the lands.
The monk claims that Edgar betrayed his country for some gold, and Tigrana reluctantly confirms this.
Barlaam said that the monks had claimed to see the divine essence with bodily eyes, which he viewed as sheer Messalianism.
The other monks all claimed to have shared the same experience.