Carmelite monks called their residences "deserts".
When the Israelis appeared a second time, the monks called the police, who posted undercover agents among the bookshelves and detected the thefts.
"That was what the monk called him-or at least it sounded like that!"
The monks called me to make some tools for them.
Since the new art was practiced only by Joshua (and sometimes myself), the monks called it Jew-dô, meaning the way of the Jew.
The core, as the monk called it, had been consecrated in blood for thirty centuries.
Each monk lives in a small cottage, called a "cell," which is divided from its neighbors by a high wall, and includes a small garden.
"He's coming," called a monk, poised at the entrance to the great workshop where the minster-men of York toiled for their allies-turned-masters.
A monk, perhaps fifty feet away, called to another to hitch up a cart.
You mean what the 'monk,' as the men called him, used to do.