Some monks believed that the ability to focus for meditation and prayer was diminished by comfort.
Both the monks and Andrei believed he was destined to live such a life, while his father was appalled by the idea.
The monks believe the carriage is filled with coins.
A Japanese friend had pebbles tossed in his direction at a monastery; some monks believed he was Chinese.
The monks believe that the Alien is in fact the Devil.
The monks believe that the island was once the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant.
I am not sure he has those features, but no doubt the monks firmly believe he does.
The monks there believed that Ksitigarbha was reincarnated in him.
The monks who attended the corpse heard strange noises and believed that the spirit of King Niels wandered about in the church.
Early Korean monks believed that the traditions they received from foreign countries were internally inconsistent.