After doing this, some monks approach her and suggest that because of her level of attainment she should next pray to be reborn as a male to progress further.
The monk entered the chamber and approached the bed of the wounded man.
As she and Christian come out into the square, a monk approaches with a letter for her.
The former monk dismounted and approached.
Made bold by their number and by the leadership of Augustin, the assembled monks approached the pit.
Some monks approached, their curiosity aroused by our confabulation.
In 1405 the monks approached the Duke of Lorraine seeking the return of this property.
The younger monk would not approach the precipitous edge of rock outcrop that Twisp occupied, this he knew.
One elderly monk recently approached him after reading his novel.
A middle-aged monk approaches us carrying a small bowl of saffron water, which he pours into my palm, instructing me to splash it on my neck, forehead and chest.