Bournemouth University was approached by English Heritage in 2006 to investigate the possibility of undertaking a monitoring project as part of a student-training project.
This unique competition will deliver an environmental monitoring project which will help mould the future of social housing in the UK.
This monitoring project serves the Mid-Atlantic Region.
The certification provided by the organization is conducted through an onsite monitoring project to approve sustainability in fisheries and aquaculture.
Another monitoring project, begun in 1992, was operating as of 2005 in the state of Bolívar, Venezuela.
Unless individual monitoring projects fit into a wider strategic framework, the results are unlikely to be published and the environmental understanding produced by the monitoring will be lost.
"We're not saying that they don't provide any charity care," said Donna Kass, co-director of the monitoring project.
The monitoring project is the result of an unusual mix of public diplomacy and private initiative.
IFL has been used in regional and global forest monitoring projects such as, and in scientific forest ecology research.
Mr. Djani said that the monitoring project would use volunteers as well as paid staff and that he hoped to have 50 people working in Aceh.