More radical money-making schemes are not confined to the provinces.
He noted that it was not just a money-making scheme on the part of the publisher, trying to sell a new game to existing players.
There is little sympathy; all want only what they can get from others through money-making schemes.
He spent a lot of time attempting to devise money-making schemes.
His father was the priority here, not some money-making scheme.
The 18-year-olds decided last September to organise a number of money-making schemes and hand the cash over to charity.
Pyke tried his hand at a number of money-making schemes.
First season plot motifs include money-making schemes for the boys, relationships within the family, and school problems.
His money-making schemes are often a side plot in each episode.
An employee puts more time trying to get people to invest in a novel money-making scheme.