Burglary: Continuing the series' tradition of controversy, home invasion is included as a potential money-making activity.
What a stark contrast it is to the money-making activities of another former prime minister, Tony Blair (report, Issue 1,054).
Delivering babies, unpopular until a few years ago because of the liability risks, has become a money-making activity because of high Medicaid reimbursement.
Then, I fear, we will become like the Yankees, at whose money-making activities, acquisitiveness and commercialism we now sneer.
What was once a money-making activity for Wall Street partners now was available to institutional investors and wealthy individuals.
No one suggests that charities back away from legitimate money-making activities that could pay for good works and reduce their need to pass the hat.
The term poverty industry refers to a wide range of money-making activities that attract a large portion of their business from the poor.
By also exploiting land and, on occasion, mines for profit, they accumulated capital that could be invested in a variety of money-making activities.
We need to control the credit-creating activities, i.e. the money-making activities, of the banks.
Atlantic City banned sand art as a money-making activity in 1944.