Companies have been known to lump bad news into money-losing years as a way to improve earnings in following years.
After nine money-losing years in the online grocery business it pioneered, Peapod Inc. yesterday appeared ready to pack it in.
Duquesne Capital Management posts an average annual return of 30 percent without any money-losing year.
AIP never had a money-losing year and, between 1954 and 1960, never even made a money-losing picture.
After several money-losing years in the early 1970s, the Milwaukee Road voluntarily entered reorganization once again on December 19, 1977.
Corzine's predecessor had led Goldman to its first money-losing year in its 129-year history and to its near collapse as a firm.
Phelps Dodge reported a profit of 21 cents a share in 1985 after its string of money-losing years and in 1986 earnings rose to $1.06 a share.
Soon the Wilbers will be gone, too; after five money-losing years, they are trying to sell their herd.
Continental suffered a drop in its income during the Depression; even so, by 1932 the company had never reported a money-losing year.
Ticketmaster's ascent was complete when Ticketron, after several money-losing years, failed to find a buyer to rescue it in 1991.