But he expressed concern that some money may have trickled through in the form of infrastructure, management or training support.
Even if he did stop, enough money would probably trickle in to allow him to exceed his father's standards.
So why not grow the economy let that money trickle through and then watch as we return to growth.
When the money trickles away, their loyalty goes with it.
But the money has apparently not trickled down.
The rising stock market indicates that someone is doing well, but the vast majority of ordinary people never see the money "trickle down."
And while some campaign sites have the capability to accept donations online, the money is barely trickling in so far.
And money - from private donors and taxpayers - is trickling back in.
This means that hard-earned taxpayers' money has, for years, been trickling away into mysterious channels.
The stock exchange has recently surged and money is trickling back to Russia.