The less money allocated, the agents reasoned, the less money a player could lose.
In the past, money allocated to programs like the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund could, and frequently was, used for other purposes.
The city determines how much money to allocate to the schools, but the seven-member Board of Education decides how to spend it.
The Bush Administration will decide how much money to allocate to Bangladesh after two teams in the field complete their assessments.
The big decisions for investors are how much money to allocate overseas and where to put it.
Much more money allocated for drug addiction prevention and treatment.
The corporations should be taxed more and the money allocated by the government.
As Budget Rapporteur for Culture, I know that the money allocated for sport - ECU 3m - is derisory.
The plan would increase the Pentagon budget next year by $46.3 billion, or 13.3 percent, and nearly double, to $37.7 billion, the money allocated to domestic security programs.
Decisions about how much money to allocate to arbitrage will be made in conjunction with Mr. Druckenmiller, but he said: "Clearly, we need to hire a new team there.