All monetary regimes except for the permanently fixed regime experience the time inconsistency problem and exchange rate volatility, albeit to different degrees.
This is because the country has experienced considerable economic growth, which some attribute to the low-interest monetary regime of the European Central Bank, resulting in high wage inflation.
Secondly, monetary- equilibrium can be seen as a desirable policy goal by monetary regimes.
The Chicago school's methodology has historically produced conclusions that favor free market policies and little government intervention (albeit within a strict, government-defined monetary regime).
For more than three decades this monetary regime successfully faced many shocks.
By consideration financial crisis one key difference is the monetary regime.
The different types of policy are also called monetary regimes, in parallel to exchange rate regimes.
"EU enlargement and monetary regimes from the insurance model perspective" Post-Communist Economies, Vol.
Fifth, Washington, Bonn and Tokyo should commit themselves to a more stable international monetary regime.
This conference took place in 1944 and its goal was "to create a new international monetary and trade regime that was stable and predictable."