But some attributes of property simply cannot be reduced to monetary figures.
Soon, after several large monetary figures were received, a committee was formed and design work on the line began.
Damage was reportedly extensive, but no monetary figures exist.
The damage from Naomi in Mexico was moderate, although no monetary figures have ever been released.
All these activities have a cost aspect and, at this point, long-term plans are broken down into annual budgets that incorporate the monetary figures.
Although Halper said the club had lost money the last two seasons, he did not produce any monetary figures to support his claim.
This will usually involve the translation of the standard of service into a monetary figure.
When account is taken of the upward distortion to monetary figures, M3 would have been growing at around the reference value in the most recent period.
Unfortunately, it does not put a monetary figure on any of these advances.
The remaining type of clause is that which limits liability by reference to an overall monetary figure.