Sam made an accounting of the corporation's monetary assets, exclusive of the properties and equipment.
The second measure is the share of all foreign currency deposits held by domestic residents at home and abroad in their total monetary assets.
In economics, the money supply or money stock, is the total amount of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
As gold was then the monetary asset on which national currencies were based, the world, in effect, struck money.
The theory assumes that wealth and monetary assets are identical.
An increase in commodity (gold) prices would indicate inflationary sentiment as people preferred real to monetary assets.
Historical cost accounts do not measure the loss of value of monetary assets as a result of inflation.
The components of wealth include assets, both monetary and non-monetary, and income.
The breadwinner holds the power within the family unit because they are the one that provides the family with (the most) monetary assets.
"It nurtures demand for gold as a monetary asset."