The monarch has already managed to rescue the Thebans twice: not only did he manage to solve the Sphinx's riddle, but he also fought successfully against the rival kingdom Argos and captured prince Adrastus.
In the Middle Ages, monarchs managed to participate in the benefit of the diezmo.
The quailing young monarch managed to say: "You are lying!"
In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth the monarchs tried to establish chivalric orders but the hereditary lords who controlled the Union did not agree and managed to ban such assemblies.
At the moment the monarch managed to quiet this controversy, the arrival of a new Abuna, Salama III reawoke the resistance of the followers of the Wold Qib, and the new Abuna excommunicated Sahle Selassie in 1845.
But if it is cold, a monarch cannot work up the energy to fly and can only manage to crawl up the nearest sage brush.
That idea didn't stand a chance--too many people like Fort Liberty coffee, sporting goods from Sparta ... well, you know--still, our monarchs managed to do a lot of petty harassment, and practically destroyed the Oldstyles because most of them can't stand Marcabru.
Even while the King was still yelling for help his throne room became emptied of every one of his warriors, and before the monarch had managed to clear the egg away from his left eye the Scarecrow threw the second egg against his right eye, where it smashed and blinded him entirely.
In "The Madness of George III," a new play at the Royal National Theater, a monarch suffering mental illness is maltreated by his doctors but manages to recover.