But the monarch of all European ruins, the Coliseum, maintains that reserve and that royal seclusion which is proper to majesty.
This situation is similar to that of London, where the monarch maintains St. James Palace as an official court for diplomatic and ceremonial functions, but resides elsewhere.
This was notable as the monarch generally maintains a strictly impartial role politically.
The border position of Transylvania led to the formation of the voivodeship, since the monarchs could not maintain direct control over this remote region.
The monarch maintains direct contact with the governor general.
The monarchs of Artsakh maintained an internationally recognized sovereign status, though in the early 13th century they accepted Georgian, then Mongol suzerainty.
The Australian monarch has maintained the style of "Elizabeth the Second", even though she is the first Australian monarch with that name.
Due to this geographic position, the Castilian monarchs repopulated the town and maintained the defensive structures of Lorca.
The Sassanian monarchs maintained relations with the Gupta empire which was based in Pataliputra.
This same monarch maintained a brothel of adolescent beauties for his personal use in a mansion near Versailles.