The flamboyant monarch gave his decidedly biased American policy.
But the monarch had given his word, and he kept it.
This latter monarch to increase those honours gave his relative St. Waldetrude, or Waldetrudis, in marriage.
In practice, the monarch will always give assent since most proposals of law are made by the government "by or on behalf of the King".
The monarch gives not one flick of its gaudy wings for such unpleasant thoughts.
Both monarchs gave excellent positions to Portuguese nobles in the Spanish courts, and Portugal maintained an independent law, currency, and government.
Most monarchs inherited the throne and did not give bad posthumous names to the previous monarch.
The monarch gave formal assent to any legislative measure approved by the two houses.
By convention, the monarch gives the Royal Assent to all legislative measures approved by Parliament.
The Spanish monarch after ascending the throne, gave the title "Royal" to the Sanctuary of the Candelaria.