The 81-year-old British monarch would die in January 1901.
The new monarch was already suffering from an incurable throat cancer and died after reigning for only 99 days.
And once the monarch died, heirs would usually refuse to honor any predecessor's debts.
When a monarch dies without a clear successor, a succession crisis often results.
Robespierre convinced the people that the monarch must die for the republic to live.
The monarch would have died, the cause of death, "old age."
Otherwiseeveryone would lose his land every time a lord protector or a monarch died.
But the monarch died, before any plans were initiated.
Section 5 provided that if the monarch died after the date of the election, then the newly-elected Parliament would meet as normal.
The 'outs' clustered around the heir in the hope that when the monarch died they would become the 'ins'.