I felt a momentary impulse to open the door and run out.
But that was no more than a momentary impulse, and he preferred not to act on -impulse alone.
I had a momentary impulse to go back and help him that my fears overruled.
Well, I felt a momentary impulse along that line, but it was easily resisted.
I had a momentary impulse to invite her to come elk hunting in the high Rockies some time.
"Come in," I said, suppressing a momentary impulse to pull a sheet over us first.
You remember how suddenly the poor old boy bolted into it, on what a momentary impulse.
She shook her head: "How awful it would have been to surrender to that momentary impulse!"
"Maybe it was a momentary impulse, but not something she planned to do on purpose."
For two years now he had bitterly regretted giving way to his momentary impulse to show off to the West.