Initial confusion caused both sides to momentarily check their fire in fear of hitting their own ships.
Her step checked momentarily, then, once more held in that pale composure, she took her place beside the queen, on the side away from Melwas.
Despite being hard pressed Marsh managed a counterattack which momentarily checked Simon B. Buckner's division and saved an Illinois artillery battery from capture.
Benbow waited, his flow of talk momentarily checked.
They're due to check back in again momentarily, sir.
The wings missed a beat and the hippogriff shook its head as the rope momentarily checked its breath.
But it had the effect of momentarily checking the advance of the creatures.
'Oh,' said Higgins, his exultation momentarily checked, for Batavia was most notoriously unhealthy, even worse than the West Indies, where whole ship's companies might die of the yellow jack.
A deep silence strangely filled the huge square as Bogomelov stepped up to the microphone and momentarily checked his notes.
The boy checked momentarily in.