A molten sea of nickel-iron, generating a vast field of energy.
Dragon Wing, as he had named it, wrenched itself free of the magma's clutching grasp and soared out over the molten sea.
What a rare privilege, to gaze on Oonu itself, with its molten seas and searing clouds of white hot steam!
The party hurried on toward the molten sea.
The party gasped with awe and fear as the scanner screen gave them their first view of the terrible molten sea.
"And I would far rather drive the Mole through this molten sea than walk along the shore in a fire suit as these men have."
The prairie fire of the sunset raged briefly in the west and the molten sea cooled off into moonlit gunmetal.
"To the ends of the world, perhaps," answered the Khitan, "or to the molten seas of hell that lie beyond the sunrise."
The most able men I had met here clung to the belief that it was a saucer-shaped world Boating on a molten sea.
He worries that "at any second I was going to be cast down into a molten sea of triviality."