A molten mass, the metal monster lay inanimate upon the floor!
The partially molten mass cooled as a large block, with gravity flattening its upper surface.
In a minute it would simmer down into a molten mass and begin to burn through the roof.
Moondragon continues to scan Jack's mind and learns the robots' purpose is to break down the entire planet into a molten mass.
The danger comes when fuel starts to lump together in a molten mass that can damage or destroy the reactor.
Then mightn't the core turn into a molten mass and go down through the floor?
The molten mass of glass surged against the weakening walls.
As it sank, or subducted, below today's California, the sea floor melted into very large molten masses (magma).
Not only was he flung headlong, but the huge cauldron followed him pouring out its molten mass.
When the explosives detonate, the plutonium is crushed into a molten mass.