Half of the mixture is put in a shallow container, and the other half mix in 100 g of molten chocolate.
To finish, there were French cheeses in prime condition and a little cylinder of cakelike chocolate with molten chocolate inside.
Chocolate lovers have come to the right shop for warm chocolate cake; it oozed molten chocolate that ran into a scoop of caramel ice cream.
I always envisioned it as sort of like a strawberry being dipped in molten chocolate.
A typical entry was the chocolate won ton pockets, which dripped molten chocolate all over my fingers (no complaints here).
Warm chocolate decadence ($7), molten dark chocolate served with vanilla ice cream, was even better than that.
Thinks he's a mere grub again, and is being roasted and dipped into molten chocolate for the exotic tidbits trade.
She was squeezing molten chocolate out of a heavy linen bag through a silver nozzle, dotting a baking sheet with one squeeze every two inches.
A chocolate-hazelnut tart has a center of molten chocolate - a cliché, perhaps, but so dark and unctuous that it rises above the pack.
From his torn waist the blood trickled down and clung in the hair of his legs with the stickiness of molten chocolate.