Cell membrane permeability is increased and otherwise nonpermeant molecules enter the cell.
Such a molecule would be entering the cell by diffusion ("pour out" L).
When a molecule enters or leaves the sphere defined by the cut-off radius, there is a discontinuous jump in energy.
When foreign molecules enter cells, one must take into account the possible drawbacks and potential to cause tumorous growth.
This molecule can then enter the metabolic pathway of glycloysis and provide more energy for the cell.
After the molecules travel the length of the column, pass through the transfer line and enter into the mass spectrometer they are ionized by various methods.
Anyway, they picked on a particular brand whose press release promised that their night-cream molecules would 'enter' the skin and restructure from within.
Their molecules freely enter and leave the brain, allowing anesthetists to interrupt and restart human consciousness.
Only volatile polar molecules can enter and exit the membrane pores.
Membrane proteins contain internal channels that allow such molecules to enter and exit the cell.