Water is called "polar" liquid, because its molecules behave like having two poles (one positive end and a negative end).
What evolved over this period was a broader and more detailed picture of how atoms and molecules behave.
Studying how molecules behave, and creating new molecules to analyze.
But you'll notice that none of our choices have any effect whatever on the way that atoms and molecules behave.
Elementary particles, atomic nuclei, atoms, and even molecules behave in some context as matter waves.
This is how the molecules in a solid behave.
In an EI source these molecules will behave very differently.
He published more than 200 papers on aspects of magnetism, casting light on how magnetic molecules behave.
The things around us act as they do because of the way their molecules behave.
For Adam, the bad molecules always behave badly, and the good ones always act in accordance with goodness.