More recently, Schweitzer's work has shown molecular similarities in Tyrannosaurus remains and chickens, providing further evidence of the bird-dinosaur connection.
I have somewhat the same feeling after reading this edited volume on molecular similarity.
However, because of its molecular similarity to aldosterone it is also capable of binding the mineralcorticoid receptor.
Studies of anatomical and molecular similarities suggest these two groups are close evolutionary relatives.
"It has molecular similarities to drug and alcohol addiction."
Both groups also share a common skin-shedding mechanism (ecdysis) and molecular biological similarities.
The four pebble-mound mice form a cohesive group supported by behavioral, morphological, and molecular similarities and may deserve recognition as a separate genus.
Scientific evidence for evolution comes from many aspects of biology and includes fossils, homologous structures, and molecular similarities between species' DNA.
Chemical similarity or molecular similarity is a similarity between two different molecules.
It was soon discovered these endogenously-produced agents had important molecular similarities to the plant-produced alkaloids morphine & codeine.