He worked with molecular geneticists to pinpoint variations.
But molecular geneticists now look back on such triumphs, shake their heads and say, boy, did those lucky devils have it easy.
And judges and jurors are generally not molecular geneticists.
She was considered one of the world's leading molecular geneticists.
George Church (born August 28, 1954) is an American molecular geneticist.
As a molecular geneticist, Cole had a passing acquaintance with some of the techniques of cryo-biology, but it wasn't really his line.
Now Anderson sees his scientific role in part to serve as a mentor for the next generation of molecular geneticists.
He was the grandfather of Francis Crick, the molecular geneticist.
One of the first tools available to molecular geneticists is the forward genetic screen.
We, therefore, believe that F3 cells provide a powerful new tool for molecular geneticists.