"We have identified molecular defects in the gut of everyone who has irritable bowel syndrome," he said.
Prenatal ultrasound may be helpful for diagnosis in families where the molecular defect is unknown.
The identification of some of the molecular or DNA abnormalities for thyroid cancer has led to the development of therapies that target these molecular defects.
His work led to the development of chromosome maps of laboratory mice, a crucial step in identifying and analyzing the molecular defects often associated with cancer.
This group does not have a defined primary biochemical or molecular defect.
Using gene therapy, scientists have taken an important step toward correcting the molecular defect thought to be the cause of cystic fibrosis.
To avoid molecular defects in the items being printed and stored, error correction has to judder back and forth around these.
"Knowing someone has a particular molecular defect will become the major determinant of therapy," Dr. Friend said.
It has the objectives of providing fundamental knowledge about the development and function of the inner ear, and identifying the molecular defects underlying hereditary hearing impairments.
How the initial molecular defect, affecting all cells of the body, results in selective peripheral neuropathy is unknown.