The spies depicted in espionage fiction are typically senior officials, "moles" planted by rival governments.
Jo had stated that she believed that Shilpa was a "mole", planted in the house to upset the game.
According to a former Pakistani official close to the intelligence services there, the information leading to the arrest of Mr. Rauf came from a mole planted by the British police who had been monitoring the plot inside the United Kingdom.
However, the mole planted by the Japanese Red Army was informed of this situation, and sent people to kill the three.
It was a direct link to a tiny scrambled transmitter held by a member of the opposing team, a little mole planted under the Rangers' noses at significant expense.
The Times had a piece on the questionable sports-business management practices that have been revealed in various findings; then there are accusations of infidelity, "moles" planted in Dodger stadium, and a Russian healer who deployed "V-energy."
He could not leave in place a mole planted so deeply inside the Nishiki network she had access to Okami himself.