And to cap it all, a peculiar, moldy smell wafted in from the wide gap under the door.
An affected cork transmits the moldy smell and taste to the wine.
Neighbors complain about a rusty, moldy smell that they say comes from the site in the summer.
If the wine has that moldy smell, even a faint one, it's probably corked.
There was a moldy smell in the air, and a look of cheap opulence to the place that dated it.
The next morning, the rain had stopped and the moldy smell of the gray water was gone.
The room had a sweet, moldy smell.
As with its many previous recalls, the latest Tylenol recall is due to a musty or moldy smell.
The front half had not been remodeled and the moldy smell of decaying mortar filled his nostrils.
Wine develops an unattractive moldy smell and taste when it has a bad cork.