An Ice Lens or ice lenses are formed when moisture, diffused within soil or rock, accumulates in a localized zone.
The moisture will then accumulate as snow in midlatitudes, especially in the more shaded areas--pole facing, steep slopes.
When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or unaddressed.
Q. In cold weather the glass and the aluminum frames of our skylights sweat so much that moisture accumulates and runs down off the low end.
The device is weighed at a regular interval to ensure no moisture has accumulated in the device while it's being stored on the miner's belt.
If moisture accumulates on the outside of the tank, note the tank's height, lift the cover and check the height of the water inside.
For example, recent studies have shown that air movement is the primary method by which excessive moisture can accumulate in mild marine climate such as Portland, OR, USA.
In the freezer, ice crystals form as moisture accumulates outside of the steak.
Since moisture accumulates under the plastic, it is apparent that the moisture is coming up through the concrete floor.
The hard work had made Huma sweat profusely, and moisture had accumulated around his brow.