Her hot moist tongue stirred him to the depths of his bowels.
She ran her tongue, small and moist, over her lips.
Her lips were warm, her little tongue moist and hot against his skin.
Instead, as when she'd burned her arm and he'd kissed it better, there was heat, the stroke of his moist tongue, and then, no more pain.
His warm breath and moist tongue sent shivers through her and she gave herself to them, letting the sensation overcome her.
The spoor came more clearly now, and the great beast licked its lips with a black, moist tongue.
The wondrous intimacy of his moist tongue made her shudder as he gathered her into his arms in a crushing embrace.
She licked his body with her moist tongue and murmured words he did not understand.
He touched his lips with a moist tongue, but his face was inscrutable as he turned away.