Overhead, the ventilators purred into action, drawing up the moist clouds to stabilize the humidity.
It was like being swallowed whole, gripped in a moist mucous cloud.
After losing to the Pittsburgh Penguins, 6-4, they were back on ice before noon, sometimes skating in big circles to lift the moist clouds that shrouded the playing surface and blurred the glass along the sideboards on this warm day.
This data is quality controlled, however there are some circumstances where the radar may indicate that rain is falling, but it may be drying up before it reaches the ground, and very occasionally it may still show a very large moist cloud!
The smell of cooking cabbage filled the small room with a steamy moist cloud that made him pause and blink.
When I stepped out of Birks Hall moist clouds had turned the day a dull pewter.
Then it was gone, wrapped in moist clouds, but not before he had made a rapid triangulation and worked it out in his head.
It stair-stepped up in massive beauty and was lost in small, moist clouds newly formed about the spire.
The air grew warm and very still under the great moist clouds that had floated up from the South and the distant seas.
Finally she said: "I believe this is a Mist Valley, where these moist clouds always remain, for even the sunshine above does not drive them away.