The Army added a reserve chute and some other modifications to produce its first standard parachute for paratroopers.
Slight modifications would produce either a fishing or cargo boat.
Genetic modification can also produce mammals that are susceptible to certain compounds or stresses for testing in biomedical research.
Further modifications, especially the addition of pointed nose and stern areas, produced the Mk IV.
Synthetic modifications or imitations of morphine produce the other opioids:
McCullough's modification to the Stromgren sphere model often produces more realistic results than the original.
Biochemical modifications such as oxidation or rearrangement produce the related monoterpenoids.
Individual home build (according to shared plans/designs) allows for personal improvement and modification of a kind not possible within the current mass produced industrial model.
These modifications may produce variations in centrosome size (usually too big, due to an excess of pericentriolar material).
Further modification and mineralisation eventually produced two flat protective shells.