Other modifications such as changing the red background color to orange led to the current national flag, in use since 1969.
Small modifications made to the design in 1927, including ailerons on the lower wings, led to the A-101 designation.
Following initial dissatisfaction with the vehicles, several modifications to the locomotives finally led to the desired success.
Even small modifications in parameters can lead to a strong change in the dynamics.
An early draft was rejected by the population in 1872 but modifications led to its acceptance in 1874.
The combined modifications led to the final Type 544 being considered the "production standard".
These modifications did not lead to a change in the gun's nomenclature.
According to reviews this modification might lead to a preferable change in the tonal quality of the guitar.
A further modification of the procedure leads to a different structure where the two are not equal.
A third possibility is that human modification of the environment, particularly through the use of fire, indirectly led to their extinction.