The price of gas, the study said, will increase modestly through the year 2005, rising to about $1.75 per gallon in 1990 dollars.
The stock increased modestly in coming days, and Facebook closed its first full week of trading at $31.91.
She, like a number of other buildings owners, has assumed her taxes would increase only modestly, as they have in the past.
Instead, the curriculum is expanding and enrollment increased modestly to 900.
While the crowds are expected to increase modestly for the final tomorrow, the tournament cannot escape the feel of a high school event.
Interest rates at yesterday's regular weekly bill auction increased modestly, but the results were as expected.
First, the company will modestly increase the support it provides to help affiliates begin new mutual funds.
Its worldwide oil production increased modestly over the year, though it declined slightly in the fourth quarter.
The government's anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts increased modestly during the reporting period.
Residential buildings are increasing modestly because of its better access to Sapporo.